TR_Mainland wrong IDs





Game version: 




Found in Version: 



IDs should be checked again when all files for release are merged into TR_Mainland to verify if they're used in scripts before fixing them,

IDs with spaces at the end


Data IDs instead of TR IDs


Missing map prefix (m3 or m4 or i4...)


tes3cmd script to check for ID issue



dirtied on purpose for a

MinerMan60101's picture

dirtied on purpose for a script and shouldn't be cleaned:
 ACTI: t_de_set_bannertownnavandaram (Nav Andaram)
Should this be a unique object TR_m7_NVA_etc?

The two NPCs in Nav Andaram

Dillonn241's picture

The two NPCs in Nav Andaram incorrectly use m3 prefixes. A cell-by-cell look for other references should probably be done in that corner of map 7 since anyone working in that area probably didn't realize they switched maps.

I'm very much inclined to say

Rats's picture

I'm very much inclined to say that touching the IDs of those two NPCs isn't worth the hassle.
They have Map 3 because of their geographical location, they are on Indoril territory -- now I know that Nav Andaram is Map 7 and it will be a Hlaalu stronghold, but at that point the two NPCs will be probably wiped out.
And even if they aren't it still isn't an issue.

As far as these are concerned:

SCPT: tr_aimrah_6_cagedoor
 SCPT: tr_aimrah_6_secretwall
 SCPT: tr_aimrah_6_secretwall2
 SPEL: tr_blindcurse (Blindness)
 LIGH: tr_light_m4-506_candle_03_off (Candle)
 LIGH: tr_light_m4-506_candle_10_off (Candle)
 ACTI: tr_act_m4-506_ind_pwheel3 (Prayer Wheel)
 ACTI: tr_act_m4-506_ind_pwheel2 (Prayer Wheel)
 ACTI: tr_act_m4-506_ind_pwheel1 (Prayer Wheel)
 ACTI: tr_act_m4-506_button (Secret Button)
 CONT: tr_chest_m4-506_utensil (Chest)
 WEAP: tr_w_i4-504_vurbol (Vurbol's Blade)
 ENCH: tr_en-m4-504_olms
 MISC: tr_key_m4-472_chest (Iron Key)
 MISC: tr_key_m4-473_chest (Copper Key)
 MISC: tr_key_m4-474_cavern (Iron Key)
 NPC_: tr_hla_guard_neen (Hlaalu Guard)
 BOOK: tr_la1_grotto_1_journal_1 (Thief's Journal 1)
 BOOK: tr_la1_grotto_1_journal_2 (Thief's Journal 2)
 CONT: tr_la1_grotto_1_skption (Cloth Sack)
 ACTI: tr_furn_banner_tavern_aimrah (Aimrah Sailors' Inn)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_wh_crate (Crate)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_wh_barrel (Barrel)
 ACTI: tr_aimrah_sign_healer (Salaru Andalen: Healer)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_healer_chest (Chest)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_ac_drawers_01 (Drawers)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_ac_drawers_02 (Drawers)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_ac_chest_01 (Chest)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_ac_chest_02 (Small Chest)
 CONT: tr_aimrah_ac_chest_03 (Large Chest)
 ACTI: tr_armor_aimrahlighthouse (Decorative Dreugh Shield)
 ACTI: tr_velothiwall_aimrahlighthouse ()
 BOOK: tr_aimrahic6_sermon28revised (36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 28)
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_drawers (Drawers)
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughegg2 (Dreugh Cocoon)
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughegg1 (Dreugh Cocoon)
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughegg3 (Dreugh Cocoon)
 STAT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughsack1
 STAT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughsack2
 STAT: tr_aimrahic6_dreughsack3
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_furnpdesk (Desk)
 BOOK: tr_aimrahic6_keeperslog (Ulvo's Diary)
 ACTI: tr_aimrahic6_cagedoor (Cage Door)
 STAT: tr_aimrahic6_grom
 BOOK: tr_aimrahic6_keeperslog2 (Notes on Dreugh)
 CONT: tr_aimrahic6_smallsack (Small Sack)
 CONT: tr_roa_dyr_wt_chest_01 (Chest)
 CONT: tr_roa_dyr_wt_chest_02 (Chest)
 BOOK: tr_sc_m3-798_records (Order of the Watch Records)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-798_desk (Desk)
 CONT: tr_flora_m3-798_debra (Debra the Plant)
 CONT: tr_cont_crate_i3-795 (Crate)
 ACTI: tr_furn_banner_tavern_i3-795 (Thirsty Saint Cornerclub)
 ACTI: tr_act_m3-a4_scaffold02-1 ()
 BOOK: tr_bk_i3-730 (Note to Sathis)
 CONT: tr_cont_i3-730_satstash (Small Chest)
 MISC: tr_key_i3-730_satkey (Sathis' Key)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-733_corkbulb (Sack)
 CONT: tr_barrel_m3-733_corkbu (Wooden Barrel)
 ARMO: tr_a_i3-737_tarons_reach (Captain Taron's Reach)
 ENCH: tr_en_i3-737_tarons_reach
 CONT: tr_chest_i3-737_shipmnt (Chest)
 CONT: tr_vg_chstcomcloth (Chest)
 CONT: tr_vg_richchestlarge (Large Chest)
 CONT: tr_crate_m3-712_guar (Crate)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-710_corkbulb (Barrel)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-706_brlofish (Barrel)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-706_baitsack (Cloth Sack)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-700_chestcth (Chest)
 CONT: tr_cont_m3-700_cratearm (Crate)
 MISC: tr_key_m3-695-ind (Bedroom Key)
 MISC: tr_key_i3-686-cellar (Steel Key)
 MISC: tr_key_i3-686 (Nickel Key)
 MISC: tr_key_i3-686-prison (Long Silver Key)
 MISC: tr_misc_m3-689_staticvase (Vase)
 CREA: tr_almas_thirr_ghost (Ancestor Ghost)
 ACTI: tr_furn_shrine_bloodstone (Shrine of the Bloodstone)
 DOOR: tr_door_rent_almas_limpingscrib (Wooden Door)
 DOOR: tr_door_rent_almas_ls (Wooden Door)
 DOOR: tr_door_rent_almasthirr_hc (Wooden Door)
 DOOR: tr_door_rent_almasthirr_tp (Wooden Door)
 MISC: tr_key_m3-290_undercroft (Old Key)
 CONT: tr_chest_m3-290_tomb (Chest)
 STAT: tr_roadyr_glasshall_mh_top
 DOOR: tr_mzingthlegfth_loaddoor (Dark hole)
 GLOB: tr_thirr_conflict_score
 GLOB: tr_thirr_conflict_heat

I am very leery of touching them at all
Even if they are missing map IDs
I recognize many of them being used in quests and being called by scripts etc. I don't think this is worth the grey hairs.

It was agreed on Discord that

Dillonn241's picture

It was agreed on Discord that changing the IDs to conform to the map format will be put on hold until we start redoing old content.