Skipping Time via Script

[This page is outdated! See instead the wiki page:]


The way to pass time should be more or less obvious: fade out, pass time, then fade in.

Unfortunately, Morrowind does not actually have scripted timeskips. On one hand, while Morrowind does have "fade out, things happen, fade in" scripts, they do not pass any more time than the script takes to run. On the other hand, prison and travel times are hardcoded.

General Overview

In order to create a time skipping framework, Tamriel_Data contains a global and a script for with v08 and later.

The functionality is invoked by setting T_Glob_PasstimeHours and then calling StartScript T_ScGlobalPassTime in the Dialogue Result box or in the script.

The script handles the fade out/fade in and calculates the correct day, month, and year according to the hours that have been set. As such, there is no need to further proof calling of the script: it handles everything.

Example Implementation


The script assumes that the corrected calendar is in use, which means that either a Morrowind.exe post-Morrowind Code Patch's error corrections or OpenMW is in use. As these are already requirements for using TR, this should only come up if somebody tries to test this with a deliberately unpatched Morrowind.exe and skips into month 12.