The Origin of the Atronach [Ready for BoT] [Added OB]

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The Origin of the Atronach [Ready for BoT] [Added OB]

Post by Arthmodeus »

On the Origin of the Atronach
Sanctus Arthmodeus

Imperial Guild of Mages

"The protean Daedra, for whom the rules do not apply, can only be banished." -Aedra and Daedra

Few mysteries in Tamrielic cosmology have exceeded that of the Atronach. Protean, but not unintelligent; organized, but not loyal; chaotic, but not unpredictable, the Atronach, or elemental Daedra, are among the most mysterious denizens of evershifting Oblivion. We wonder where these creatures are from and what forces might have created them. In fact, we can only begin to speculate on their nature. I hereby present my own theories based on obscure texts, reports from first-hand observers, and careful thought.

Atronachs are caches of magicka in humanoid shape. Reliable sources indicate that Atronachs were spawned from a culmination of loose magicks at the start of time. The magicka clumped together to form the life forms we know as Daedra. The peculiar absence of an Air Atronach is worth noting at this point, seeing how the Aedroth Kynareth's portfolio deals with air and wind. Could this mean that the Atronachs are side effects of the death of certain Aedra during the creation of Mundus? Since they represent natural phenomena, they could very well represent the Earthbones, but that does not explain their presence in Oblivion. Their representative birthsign further supports the theory that they are Aedric beings. It seems quite possible that the constellations themselves are the origin of the Atronach.

As of 3E432, there are three known types--Flame, Frost, and Storm. There are also reports of Monarchs, which are the most powerful varieties and generally represent the paragon of their natural force. The Flame and Frost Atronachs usually wear armor similar to ebony or daedric, while Storm Atronachs go without armor. Flame Atronachs wear armor similar in texture and color to the prized daedric armor and typically wear masks that cover their faces. Frost Atronachs resemble walking sentinels of ice and sometimes wear armor of an unknown make. Storm Atronachs, the most powerful, appear to be made of stone held together by bolts of lightning, possibly loose magicka from Aetherius. It is an unusual quality of this creature that it appears to have gender, most particularly the Flame Atronach. Some appear as eight-feet-tall giants with armor that resembles ebony or daedric while others appear half that height. Whether this size difference reflects actual gender or whether it is a simple difference in appearance is under study.

All Atronachs are capable of speech and seem to possess names, so their social system may be based on the individual and not on the collective. They sometimes consort with other Daedra. Atronachs, however, are separated from Daedroth by their behavior. Apparently, they serve as mercenaries in Oblivion, switching sides due to seduction, profit, or compulsion. This is uncommon in the social hierarchy of Oblivion, as lesser Daedra generally serve out of fear or obligation, with the exception of the Dremora. We may never know the true nature of the Atronach, for their alien way of thinking goes beyond the conceptions of man, mer, and possibly even the Daedra themselves.
Last edited by Arthmodeus on Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"You can remove spells from your list in Morrowind. I think it was shift-click, don't quote me on that though." - Cathartis
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