Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i2-267-Imp (#825)
Faction: Imperial
Parent claim: TR_2-40-Imp (#103)
Claimed by: Aaron
Status: Approved (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(3456, 583):0
Files: TR_i2-267-Imp_Vegor_1.rar
Dwemer ruin
Moderators: Seneca37, Lead Developers
[url=]This is not my life[/url]
I have yet to see anything non-fancy from you. Granted!
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Ok ok ok! I admit it, it's fancy! But it's small! At least for a ruin made by me 
Now that the layout is finished I can give a better discription. It's two cells, originally to allow for the weird design of the exterior, but it also helps with framerates as I'm making this very detailed. One cell contains a forge room, the observatory, a small tower room over the entrance, and a hell of a lot of piping and such for transmiting electricity from the towers (this is intended to be an electrical research center). The other cell contains two research rooms (one with a very neat lightning effect) a few hallways with machinery and piping and such, and the top of the geothermal plant's lift. The lift is non-functional and wedged in its shaft, broken off its cables. This cell was also going to contain living quarters but in the interest of not making the ruin too big the passage to them will be blocked. Face counts will be around the 120K mark, due to the fact that I'm detailing everything heavilly. The cells are still about the size of a normal Bethesda dwemer ruin cell however.
Edit: First cell finished
Edit Edit: Ack... this is not ready for review, I have to change a few minor issues. Can't do it for a couple days though, I'll be back Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.

Now that the layout is finished I can give a better discription. It's two cells, originally to allow for the weird design of the exterior, but it also helps with framerates as I'm making this very detailed. One cell contains a forge room, the observatory, a small tower room over the entrance, and a hell of a lot of piping and such for transmiting electricity from the towers (this is intended to be an electrical research center). The other cell contains two research rooms (one with a very neat lightning effect) a few hallways with machinery and piping and such, and the top of the geothermal plant's lift. The lift is non-functional and wedged in its shaft, broken off its cables. This cell was also going to contain living quarters but in the interest of not making the ruin too big the passage to them will be blocked. Face counts will be around the 120K mark, due to the fact that I'm detailing everything heavilly. The cells are still about the size of a normal Bethesda dwemer ruin cell however.
Edit: First cell finished
Edit Edit: Ack... this is not ready for review, I have to change a few minor issues. Can't do it for a couple days though, I'll be back Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.
Claims completed:
Yashazmus, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Mzankh, Dwemer Ruin
Nchazdrumn, Dwemer Ruin
Sirrilas, Shrine of Mephala
Moriken, Abandoned Dunmer Stronghold
Old Necrom Morag Tong GH
Darconis Diamond Mine
Assorted other boring claims.
Yashazmus, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Mzankh, Dwemer Ruin
Nchazdrumn, Dwemer Ruin
Sirrilas, Shrine of Mephala
Moriken, Abandoned Dunmer Stronghold
Old Necrom Morag Tong GH
Darconis Diamond Mine
Assorted other boring claims.
Ok, submitted. I'm going to need to get this back once the metal stock peices and Stalker's spiral stair rextextures are past OOT review to fix the object names and replace the current sotha-sil stairs. I talked this over with Vegor and he said to submit it anyway, as we need to get Map 2's interiors squared away 

Claims completed:
Yashazmus, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Mzankh, Dwemer Ruin
Nchazdrumn, Dwemer Ruin
Sirrilas, Shrine of Mephala
Moriken, Abandoned Dunmer Stronghold
Old Necrom Morag Tong GH
Darconis Diamond Mine
Assorted other boring claims.
Yashazmus, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Mzankh, Dwemer Ruin
Nchazdrumn, Dwemer Ruin
Sirrilas, Shrine of Mephala
Moriken, Abandoned Dunmer Stronghold
Old Necrom Morag Tong GH
Darconis Diamond Mine
Assorted other boring claims.