
betacomments text

  • 8/5/2018 (23:21)    TR_Preview.esp    1/2/2012 (01:00)    Admin    flora_stoneflower_02    Alt Orethan Region (14,-25)    114936    -199479    347    "fly"    
  • 8/6/2018 (02:28)    TR_Mainland.esm    8/2/2018 (19:13)    Admin    terrain_rock_wg_08    Lan Orethan Region (27,-31)    227176    -246523    1536    "doorblock"    
  • 8/6/2018 (13:17)    TR_Mainland.esm    8/2/2018 (19:13)    Admin    In_OM_wallruin06    Zanammu (28,-21)    234594    -167599    1967    "fly"    
  • 8/6/2018 (16:10)    TR_Mainland.esm    8/2/2018 (19:13)    Admin    flora_green_lichen_02  

Old Ebonheart - Legion Quest - Give orders

After completing the mission "Giving Orders" given by Olfvur - by the way I loved the mission, simple but creative, well done - the topic give orders stays in the right dialogue window as usual. When I again ask Olfvur about it he responses with giving me the decision to start the mission again. If I chose to take his post again I get stuck and have to reload, because nothing happens.
The topic "give orders" could give the player some feedback about the decisions he made durring the mission when asked again, just my idea.

Ground issue - Old Ebonheart

Old Ebonheart (7, -19)
The ground in the back-alley nook with the ladder behind and between Wayrian's Mystical Emporium and Rifskald Whalebane's House needs to be raised, currently it fails to reach Wayrian's and the ladder, leaving a sizeable gap through which you can see the street on the other side. It's the place directly south of the overhead bridge connecting the main building of the Empress Katariah to its tower.

PayFine in TR_m3_TG_Moranie3 ending

After retrieving the Death Mask, TR_m3_OE_TG_MaskGuard01 forcegreets the player to retrieve the mask. If the player complies, he wipes the player's bounty using PayFine. This also removes all stolen items from the player's inventory. Judging from the dialog, this is not intended - forcing the player to drop all their stolen items, then talk to the guard, then pick them all up again.

Suggested fix: replace PayFine in the dialog by PayFineThief - the variant that doesn't strip the player of stolen items.

Placement issues in Hadrumnibibi

Two issues, one messing with a quest, another simply cosmetic.
1: TR_m3_q_10_Axe_Yaga_scripted in the southern cell of Hadrumnibibi is currently sitting square inside the tree, making it impossible to activate and to proceed in "At Play in the Meadows of Malacath". Needs to be moved so that it's 'stuck' in the tree by the axe blade. Player pulls it out during the quest.

Script error in OE Sewers: Waste Pit

Syntax error in TR_m3-591_pitcrank_script.

Caused by a ->-> on lines 34:    Set Pos to ( ( "TR_i3-591_act-imp_pitgate"->->GetPos Y ) + 13.5 * GetSecondsPassed )
and in line 47:     Set Pos to ( ( "TR_i3-591_act-imp_pitgate"->->GetPos Y ) - 13.5 * GetSecondsPassed )

Changing ->-> on lines 34 and 47 to -> fixed this for me, locally.

Tagged as Major since current implementation throws an error and asks the player if they want to close the game.


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